Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

At Today’s Dental Comfort, we believe that regular dental visits are essential to the longevity of your oral health. Your oral health is our main concern and we want to ensure that your teeth stay healthy and function properly. When you visit our office for your hygiene examination and cleaning one component of the exam is dental X-rays. Dental X-rays are images of your teeth used to determine the levels of decay in the teeth, if decay is present between the teeth, and to assist during the process of placing dental implants and other needed procedures. Children also receive dental X-rays that are useful in identifying not only tooth decay, but to determine if there is enough room for the adult teeth to emerge. X-rays also help identify if wisdom teeth are present and if they are impacted.

Are Dental Implants in Your Future?

Have you recently made the decision to start the process of dental implants? Maybe you are choosing dental implants after becoming tired of dealing with constant repairs to your existing teeth or hardware such as dentures. Whatever the reason for starting the process of dental implants, we are so happy that you have chosen a treatment that leaves you with beautiful, natural-looking results. We wanted to share some important information you should know about dental implants before starting the process. Continue reading to learn more.

Expecting a Bundle of Joy? Don’t Let it Lead to a Bundle of Dental Problems!

Are you or a loved one expecting a new bundle of joy within the next few months? There are not many life events more exciting than adding a baby to the family. Pregnancy and preparing for a baby mean plenty of activity, such as multiple doctor visits, ultrasound appointments, completing a baby registry, and designing a nursery. All of this preparation for a baby can sometimes cause expectant mothers to put their own needs aside. Unfortunately, this can include dental care. Expectant mothers are safe to visit the dentist for their hygiene examinations. In fact, we recommend pregnant women be extra diligent with their oral care, as pregnancy can lead to gum disease and an increase in tooth decay.

Helpful Tips for Healthy Teeth This Summer

What comes to mind when you think of summer? We think of enjoying the long days with family, cookouts with friends, swimming, and most importantly, we think of fun and relaxation! During the fun and relaxing summer days, it is important to remember to maintain your oral health. We want to help you avoid a dental emergency that may occur if you are not careful this summer. We wanted to share some important reminders to keep you with perfect oral health this summer.

Have You Been In To See Us Lately?

Did we recommend a needed dental treatment the last time you visited our office and you ended up putting it off? We know that many patients cancelled and postponed appointments last year due to the effects of the pandemic. Now is the perfect time to reschedule the appointment. You will be free to enjoy the summer without any worry or concern about experiencing a dental emergency because you delayed treatment. Delaying dental treatment can lead to further damage in your mouth. Continue reading to learn why dental treatment should never be delayed.

Root Canal: The Superhero Of Dental Treatment

Think about your favorite superhero movie. Most likely, the hero of the movie ends up saving the world from destruction. The same is true for a root canal in the way that it saves your natural teeth from destruction. At times, tooth decay or a tooth infection is unavoidable. Whether it is caused from lack of oral care, age, side effects of medication, or a medical condition, we try our very best to always save your natural teeth. When a filling or other treatment is not able to solve the problem, we recommend a root canal.

Protect Your Teeth With This Simple Treatment

Do you feel that you have good oral hygiene habits and still suffer from tooth decay? We know that it can be very frustrating to experience, but please know that you are not alone. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, more than 92% of adults have cavities in their permanent teeth. There are many factors that can lead to tooth decay, such as sweets, frequent snacking, lack of oral care, medications, aging, and family history. There is a treatment we offer that can assist in maintaining your oral health and fending off pesky cavities. The biggest benefit is that it is available for children as well as adults. Continue reading to learn more about this simple treatment.

Meet a Long-Time Valued Team Member – Mary

At Today’s Dental Comfort, we are proud to offer quality dental care to you and your family. We strive to offer a dental experience you can trust and greatly care about your smile and oral health. We provide dentistry that exceeds standards and is delivered by our exceptionally caring and friendly team. We wanted to take some time this month to help you learn a little more about one of our dedicated dental assistants, Mary.

Teenagers and Dental Health

Do you have a teenager in your life that you care for? If the answer is yes, then give yourself a pat on the back because you are dealing with one of the most difficult age brackets in a young person’s life. While every age has its unique challenges, teenagers begin to test the waters of adulthood and the boundaries. As we were all teenagers at one point, we can relate to the challenges of dealing with the first crush, mood swings, and finding your own identity. Along with all of these changes, teenagers are also now caring for their own hygiene, including their oral health. We want to share some helpful tips to ensure that your teen is properly managing their dental habits. Continue reading to learn more.